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MARS - Mips Assembly and Runtime Simulator

Release 4.5

August 2014

MARS Release History

Mars 4.5 was released in August 2014. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 4.4 was released in August 2013. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 4.3 was released in January 2013. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 4.2 was released in August 2011. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 4.1 was released in January 2011. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 4.0.1 was released in October 2010. It is a bug fix release to address three bugs.

Mars 4.0 was released in August 2010. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 3.8 was released in January 2010. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 3.7 was released in August 2009. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 3.6 was released in January 2009. Enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 3.5 was released in August 2008. Major enhancements and bug fixes include:

Mars 3.4.1 was released on 23 January 2008. It is a bug fix release to address two bugs.

Mars 3.4 was released in January 2008. Major enhancements are:

MARS 3.3 was released in July 2007. Major enhancements are:

MARS 3.2.1 was released in January 2007. It is a bug fix release that addresses the following bug in 3.2: a NullPointerException occurs when MIPS program execution terminates by "dropping off the bottom" of the program rather than by using one of the Exit system calls.

MARS 3.2 was released in December 2006. Major enhancements are:

MARS 3.1 was released in October 2006. The major issues and features are listed here:

MARS 3.0 was released in August 2006, with one bug fix and two major additions.

MARS 2.2 was released in March 2006 with additional bug fixes and implemented command line options (run MARS from command line with h option for command line help). This also coincides with our SIGCSE 2006 paper "MARS: An Education-Oriented MIPS Assembly Language Simulator".

MARS 2.1 was released in October 2005 with some bug fixes.

MARS 2.0 was released in September 2005. It incorporated significant modifications to both the GUI and the assembler, floating point registers and instructions most notably.

MARS 1.0 was released in January 2005 and publicized during a poster presentation at SIGCSE 2005.

Dr. Ken Vollmar initiated MARS development in 2002 at Missouri State University. In 2003, Dr. Pete Sanderson of Otterbein College and his student Jason Bumgarner continued implementation. Sanderson implemented the assembler and simulator that summer, and the basic GUI the following summer, 2004.

The development of Releases 3.1 and 3.2 in 2006 and 4.0 in 2010 were supported by the Otterbein College sabbatical leave program. The development of Release 3.7 during summer 2009 was supported by a SIGCSE Special Projects Grant.